Developing Authentic and Effective Leaders


May 16-18, 2025


Check out Mark on the Jesus Calling Podcast!

Cowboy Church service leader speaks about mentoring youth - Eaton proposed that if the older men had six things they should be taught, then ?these younger men that are out of control ? kids these days ? they should have a pretty long list, right??

Read More from the Wyoming Tribune Eagle >>



Dear Mark and Susie, Thank you does begin to express what this last weekend meant to me.

Susie, thank you so much for your openness, hospitality, honesty, love and the servant heart I saw these last few days. Your story impacted me greatly and I learned a lot about myself and my story. Thank you for all the wonderful food. Sorry I don’t remember everyones names but please than your daughter and the beautiful other woman that helped serve with you.
Your beautiful songs and voice touch my heart. Thank you and God bless you.

Mark, thank you a hundred times for inviting me to come to the event. You don’t know how many excuses and thoughts of “what you want to that for” I had before coming. I feel you have really, honestly changed me. You knew little about me but the fact that you acknowledged me and welcomed me without expecting something means more than I have words for. Thank you does not even come close. I feel that I have had a close relationship with God but the eleven hour drive home made it even more intimate. One word of caution, the instructions you gave at church about shutting the radio off and talking to God and listening needs one more instruction, especially for a person like me who cries at a tv commercial. Have plenty of tissues on hand and watch the road. I must say that that was the best eleven hours of driving I have ever experienced. God bless you and your work.

I hope you both realize how much your music means and touches people’s hearts. Mark, you do have a great voice and there is nothing second rate about your guitar playing.

Thank you again and God richly bless you,

- Tim in Colorado


I was very honored and thankful to have the opportunity to engage in individual leadership training with Mark Eaton of Eaton Leadership Foundation. I am a senior business student in college and even though I have learned general leadership skills and traits from University classes, I was also hoping for the opportunity to learn about my individual leadership style. Thanks to Eaton Leadership Foundation, I was able to learn about my leadership style, personality, and how to effectively lead others. Mark used very helpful charts, real life examples, personality analysis, etc; which was a tremendous asset as I soon start my career and continue to become an authentic and effective leader in both my professional and personal life. Thank You to Mark , Susie, and every person who has invested in this amazing company.

- L. Arnold


Hello Mark, I had been coming to the Cowboy Church at CFD’s for a few years, when I saw you were coming to Greeley I was really excited. I talked my wife into coming with me and then she came to Cheyenne too. I love Susie’s music but Mark you have such a different message and a great way of being honest and heartfelt presenting that message. I would love to listen to you more often. Your talk this morning in Cheyenne hit the nail on the head.

- Cheyenne, Wyoming


The messages you and Susie both shared were needed by my wife and I.  You are clearly a good match, with a very loving and supportive marriage. My wife grew up in the Catholic church, though no longer a practicing Catholic.  She said your service was the first to leave her with no sense of guilt - and the first to actively discourage guilt.  So that was a welcome blessing to her, and something her heart seemed to need.  
I had considered becoming a minister in my early 20s, but always felt far-too-flawed to take on the job.  So again, your message struck quite a chord with me.  Plus, I like the way you two sing together. It has been a privilege to work with the McEntires for several years now, on some of my research.  They have contributed to some of the most rich, rewarding, and entertaining highlights of my 20-year career in academics.  I was actually in Cheyenne to wrap-up this rodeo research project, and I am very glad that we caught your service.  I believe it will add some depth to the material I am including on cowboy church.  

- University Professor in Ohio